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Ahh, Pinterest! How we love/hate Pinterest. Thanks, in part, to Pinterest, we've seen society revert back to focusing on the little things. And while we love that people are getting back to the basics in a creative way- low-calorie lemonade in a mason jar, the DIY bridesmaids' gifts, and packing healthy bento box lunches- we've also seen social media, particularly Pinterest drive our brides absolutely batty. While I might be committing wedding planner suicide by admitting this, I'll just go ahead and say it- brides should stay away from Pinterest. Here are 6 reasons why:
1. It's endless. Pinterest is great for inspiration. Seeing your wedding theme or colors through someone else's eyes can offer a different perspective and introduce many new possibilities but often brides find themselves in a never ending rabbit hole of ideas that don't represent a cohesive vision. Clicking on one picture will lead you to another board and another pin and another board.....you get the point. Eventually you've clicked away from your original vision, only now you're in love with a glitzy glam linen and you're planning a vintage themed wedding.
2. It can make you feel bad. Pinterest is full of gorgeous wedding photos. What most brides don't realize is that many of these photos are staged- for photos....so they'll look good....on Pinterest. What you'll find is noticeably absent from many of these photos are real people actually enjoying all of the hard work that went into making the photo happen. Many will find that duplicating every element seen in a Pinterest photo can be expensive. You'll soon start asking yourself why you can't afford
that dress or why you didn't think of
that idea. Comparing yourself or your wedding to what you see on Pinterest can make you feel jealous of what you don't have as opposed to focusing on what you do have.
3. DIY overload. Before Pinterest brides weren't expected to handcraft everything from their invitations to the centerpiece and backdrop. Now that so many creative people have an outlet to showcase their craftiness, many brides think they have to DIY everything to have the perfect wedding and that's simply not true. Unless you were born with a hot-glue gun in your hand, trying to make your own guest book using foraged leaves and twine just may not be for you. Don't believe me, just google "Pinterest fails" to see how Pinterest craft projects turned into real life disasters.
4. It stifles your creativity. Pinterest is full of pictures of other people's weddings. Believe it or not, there was a time when we planned weddings using only the ideas in our heads and not inspiration boards created by other people. By planning your wedding on Pinterest, you run the risk of using the same ideas as everyone else. You also lose the element of creating a day that represents you as a couple. Don't be afraid to let your personality shine through. After all, your friends and family want to see you reflected in your wedding.
5. It tells all your secrets. Thankfully, Pinterest has introduced the hidden board option, so now you don't have to let everyone in on all of your wedding details via pin but half the fun of pinning is sharing. By letting everyone see your inspiration board, your guests will get a sneak peak of what your wedding will be like and it totally ruins the effect of seeing it when it all comes together.
And the most important point:
6. It's not real life. Sure, that tablescape looked great on Pinterest but that is because the photographer knew exactly which angle to shoot it from and edited the image to make that centerpiece look just right. The same goes for every dress, shoe, and invitation you see online. You're looking at a version of reality that simply can't be duplicated in real life. Life isn't Pinterest perfect, and why should it be? When your guests reflect on your wedding, they might remember the centerpiece or the food, but chances are they won't. What they will remember is the moments in between, the way they felt when they saw you two steal a glance, or the look on the mother of the bride's face as she watches her daughter walk down the aisle. Those moments are what your wedding is really about, and that's something that even the most seasoned Pinterest veteran can't pin.
Need help creating a wedding that is totally YOU? Give us a call now. Let one of our coordinators help you craft a love story that reflects who you truly are as a couple, 318.549.9663.